IL FOID and CCL Application Support

Get the help you need to be legal in Illinois

Choose us for IL FOID and CCL application support in Colona, IL and the entire Quad Cities

In order to legally possess a firearm and ammunition in Illinois, you're required to have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card. To be able to carry a concealed firearm, you need an Illinois Concealed Carry License (CCL). Completing the application process isn't always easy for everyone, so if you need IL FOID or CCL application or renewal support in Colona, IL and the entire Quad Cities, you can rely on Liberated Arms to handle the online application with you. 

We charge $20 per person for application assistance and $25+ per person for FOID or CCL application troubleshooting services. 

Reach out today to get FOID or CCL application support. We'll be glad to schedule a time for you to come by our office.


You can submit applications for both the IL FOID and Concealed Carry License with the Illinois State Police Firearms Services Bureau at this website:

Applications can be completed easily on a smart phone using a 'selfie' and a credit/debit card. 

To apply for an IL Concealed Carry License (CCL), you need to make sure you have met certain criteria. Once the criteria is met, we can assist with your application. 

In order to apply for an IL CCL you must:

-Be an Illinois resident based on your current ID or driver's license

-Have a valid FOID card

-Be at least 21 years old 

-Complete a 16-hour training course from an Illinois State Police certified instructor like Liberated Arms (see information about our CCL classes)